EPPE is one of the Europe’s most active developers of low carbon and security of supply power generation, with 2.4 GW under construction in 2023
Kilroot project
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
700 MW
Under construction, target COD in H1/2024
Capacity contracts for 10 years for 598MW (derated) starting from Oct'23 and Oct'24

Tavazzano New
800 MW H-class CCGT
Tavazzano, Milan area, Lombardia Region, Italy
803 MW (Pmax)
> 60%
Under construction, started in 6/2021, target COD Q2/2024
Capacity contract for 15 years, with delivery obligation from H2 2023, awarded with the aim to secure stability and reliability of the Italian electricity market*
*Delivery obligation of CM contract might be fulfiled by current EPP fleet when and if needed

Ostiglia New
880 MW H-class CCGT
Ostiglia, Mantua area, Lombardia Region, Italy
881 MW (Pmax)
> 60%
Under construction, target COD Q1/2025
Capacity contract for 15 years, with delivery obligation from January 2024, (possible postponment up to December 2024), awarded with the aim to secure stability and reliability of the Italian electricity market*
*Delivery obligation of CM contract might be fulfiled by current EPP fleet when and if needed

Repowering of Wind Parks in France
Ambon & Muzillac wind parks, France
Increase from 9–10 MW to 13 MW for each wind park
Refurbishment to prolong a useful live and increase
a capacity of wind parks is set to commence
in Q4/2023, with expected completion a year later
Fixed selling price secured for the produced power
for the next 20 years