Gas Transmission
Owns and operates a 2332 km long gas transit corridor in Slovak Republic. Since 1972, Eustream has secured the transmission of more than 2.3 trillion cubic meters of natural gas across the territory of the Slovak Republic. The company therefore successfully continues in the tradition of the Slovak gas industry, which dates back over 160 years.
Its basic objective is international gas transit. In 2015 alone, Eustream transported 55.8 billion cubic meters of gas (591.13 TWh). Thanks to the continual modernization and upgrading of its infrastructure, Eustream ensures the safe and reliable supply of gas to Central, Western and Southern Europe and also in the greatest possible extent reduces gas transportation impacts on the environment. Eustream’s business partners include major energy companies from both EU and non-EU member states. Eustream operates a high-pressure gas transmission system that is interconnected with major European trunk lines in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary.
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Gas and Power Distribution
SPP Distribúcia
is the owner and operator of a gas distribution network, which accounts for approximately 98% of the volumes distributed in the territory of the Slovak Republic. The company is responsible for the reliable, safe and efficient distribution of natural gas from transmission networks through gas distribution systems to end customers, and also for securing connection to the distribution network and for meter-readings of consumed natural gas.
The total length of pipelines on all pressure levels operated by SPP – distribúcia is now only a little less than 33.000 km. The company distributes roughly 98% out of total distributed volume of natural gas in Slovakia. Over 94% of all inhabitants of the Slovak Republic have access to natural gas, making Slovakia second in Europe in terms of gas network density. In 2015 the company distributed 4.585 billion m3 of natural gas to its customers.
SPP – distribúcia is the Slovak leader in natural gas distribution delivering its services to 26 users of the distribution network as well as over 1.5 million customers connected to the gas distribution system in the whole of Slovakia.
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Stredoslovenská energetika
is a multi-commodity energy supplier in Slovakia. Besides supplying energy, it also offers comprehensive solutions for improving energy efficiency, optimising demand and energy management. It also supplies natural gas to its customers in addition to electrical energy.
SSE controls subsidiaries with electricity generating capacities, including one generating capacity (SSE-PD) providing ancillary services during the day, and also has its own photovoltaic capacities for electricity generation (SSE-Solar).
Through its subsidiary company SSE Distribúcia, SSE is the second largest regional distribution company in Slovakia. It operates an electricity distribution network with a total length of 33,400 km and supplies electricity for more than 700,000 households in Central Slovakia and a part of Western Slovakia.
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EP Energy Trading
is one of the important suppliers of electricity, natural gas and related services to final customers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It supplies energy to households, small businesses and large customers, including a number of major companies and institutions in industry, the food industry, healthcare, state administration and local governments. Currently, the company supplies over 50,000 supply points.
An advantage of EP ENERGY TRADING is access to energy generating plants from EP Energy such as the Most-Komořany power station, Elektrárny Opatovice and Plzeňská energetika. Thanks to this, it is now a stable partner for its customers, offering some of the best pricing terms on the market and certainty of keeping contract obligations. In 2015, the company supplied its final customers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with over 1.8 TWh of electricity and 1.4 TWh of natural gas.
Beyond the deliveries to end customers, the company operates in the wholesale market for electricity and gas, which last year traded 22.6 TWh. The company operates in the market for over ten years and during that time due to its competitive prices, professional approach, flexibility and customer focus built a position as an important trader in electricity and natural gas.
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Heat Infrastructure
Pražská Teplárenská
is one of the largest district heating companies in the Czech Republic in terms of the number of operated devices. The company’s activities are concentrated on the area of Prague and surrounding areas. Pražská teplárenská covers almost 40% of the market for thermal energy (including subsidiaries) in Prague and delivers heat for more than 270,000 households, numerous office buildings, industrial companies, hundreds of schools and health facilities and other entities.
Pražská teplárenská operates three heating plants and four district heating plants, for a total of seven heat sources. As a major source of heat for the Prague Heat Distribution System (PTS) is Elektrárna Mělník I (EMĚ I) – operated by Energotrans, a subsidiary of ČEZ. Sources for Pražská teplárenská – heating plant Malešice, heating plant Michle and heating plant Krč are operated in the system of PTS for the peak. Furthermore, the heat is sourced from the Device to the energy recovery (ZEVO Malešice, the original name Spalovna Malešice), which ensured also supply steam for the steam subscriptions of Pražská teplárenská.
The most important heat supplier for Pražská teplárenská is company Energotrans, the supplies mainly from cogeneration in EMĚ I (EME II) make up to 90.8% of the thermal energy supply to the PTS and 86.7% of the total heat supply of Pražská teplárenská. By the end of 2015 the installed thermal power resources of Pražská teplárenská was 1,054 MW.
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Elektrárny Opatovice
supplies thermal energy for more than 60,000 households in the Hradec Králové – Pardubice – Chrudim area and also for several hundred organisations such as industrial enterprises and administrative, commercial, sport, health and cultural facilities. Elektrárny Opatovice’s heat supply system is comprised of approximately 300 km of heat supply networks.
In financial terms, EOP is one of the most advantageous heat suppliers in the Czech Republic, steadily supplying heat to customers in Hradec Králové, Pardubice and Chrudim for the lowest long-term prices in the Czech Republic.
EOP has 6 alternators that supply altogether up to 2,100 GWh of electricity, which is approximately one third of the demand in the Hradec Králové region.
The power station also has the capacity to supply balancing power, which helps to balance supply and demand in the Czech electricity, and it also ensures island operation for a specified area in the case of the collapse of the whole electricity grid.
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Plzeňská energetika
is a leading heat and electricity producer in western Bohemia. It operates a CHP plant with a total achievable thermal capacity of 448 MWt and a total achievable electrical capacity of 111 MWe. Plzeňská energetika supplies thermal energy to 30% of all heat customers in Plzeň, in particular households.
Plzeňská energetika also operates a back-up unit with an achievable output of 21 MWe. It provides ancillary services for the operator of the Czech electricity transmission system, ČEPS, in particular primary frequency control, tertiary output control and the quick-start balancing capacity, supporting the operation of the Czech transmission system. The back-up unit ensures the stability and security of electricity supply for final customers and its technical design supports very quick recovery of electricity supply in emergencies related to the collapse and recovery of the electricity grid.
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United Energy
is an important heat producer in the northern Bohemian region. It supplies thermal energy to 34,000 flats in Most and Litvínov, and also to industrial enterprises, schools, health facilities, offices and various institutions. Part of the thermal energy is sold to the networks of third-party heat distributors. The length of United Energy’s heat distribution network, owned by 100% daughters company Severočeská teplárenská, totals more than 140 km of distribution pipes.
United Energy operates the Komořany CHP plant near Most, which fires indigenous brown coal in 10 modern fluidised-bed boilers meeting all environmental and public health regulations. Every year, the CHP plant produces up to 10,000 TJ of thermal energy, which is used for electricity and heat production. The Komořany CHP plant generates electricity in 8 turbine generator sets with an aggregate installed electrical capacity of 239 MWe.
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Budapesti Erömü
is a modern and leading heat and electricity producer in Budapest, Hungary with total heat and electricity capacity of 1170 MWth and 406 MWe, respectively Budapesti Erőmű produces approximately 57% of the district heating in Budapest distributed by FÖTAV (6PJ p.a.) and 3 to 4% of total electricity demand in the country (almost 1 TWh p.a.). The company has been supplying energy for the capital for more than 100 years.
Its basic objective is to generate energy from a clean energy source, at the highest possible efficiency and with a minimum environmental impact, as well as steadily and reliably. As a result of the continuous developments, both heat and electricity are generated at a favourable efficiency and at a decreasing cost level. Due to the benefits of cogeneration, mainly the lower and lower fuel consumption, the environmental impact keeps on decreasing. At present, the emitted pollutants are five times less than before the modernisation programme. With its environmentally friendly and efficient production, Budapesti Erőmű proves that a power plant and the residents can live in each other’s direct environment by keeping the other’s interests in mind and working for the future generations.
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Gas Storage
is a modern company with extensive experience in underground gas storage (UGS). The storage capacity operated by NAFTA currently stands at 2.74 bcm (at standard base conditions, i.e. 15°C; 101.325 kPa; ρ = 0). Working storage volume is a dynamic variable depending primarily on its mode of use by customers.
The UGS facilities of NAFTA are connected to the Slovak distribution grid, transition system of Eustream and Virtual Trading Point in Austria.
NAFTA is a reliable partner in underground gas storage, offering wide range of innovative products and professional services.
NAFTA is also the Slovak leader in exploration and production of hydrocarbons and offers its long-term experience as a partner in a number of international projects.
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owns and operates an underground gas storage facility near the town of Malacky in Slovakia. Its storage capacity is 0.655 bcm (at standard base conditions, i.e. 15°C; 101.325 kPa; ρ = 0).
Since 1993 the company has earned an excellent record offering underground natural gas storage services. Working in a liberalised natural gas market, being strategically located in the proximity of Europe’s main transport routes and the Virtual Trading Point, Austria, as well as owning direct connection to the hub’s infrastructure, the company has grown into a flexible and reliable gas storage services provider operating in the region.
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SPP Storage
operates the Dolní Bojanovice underground gas storage facility in the Czech Republic; the UGS facility was developed in depleted oil&gas reservoirs and completed in 1999.
Working gas capacity amounts to 0.576 bcm (at standard base conditions, i.e. 15°C; 101.325 kPa; ρ = 0) with 9mcm daily withdrawal rate. UGS Dolní Bojanovice is directly connected to the slovak gas grid.
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