EPH has decided to support through its foundation fund projects that could increase the tourist attractiveness of the region in the Central Slovakia region where are operated companies of the group.
Foundation fund EPH and one of the EPH’s daughter company – Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s. have supported rescue efforts for the unique baroque Calvary from 1751, built on volcanic hills in Banská Štiavnica. The Calvary was recognized in 1993 as part of the world heritage of UNESCO while in 2007 it was put on the list of hundred most endangered monuments in the world.
Since 2011, Stredoslovenská energetika committed to provide 30 thousand EUR each year for rescue operations for five years. Stredoslovenská energetika participated in the design and construction of lighting of the unique monument and electrification of the whole area. Also contributed to the actual restoration work.
The Calvary was recognized in 1993 as part of the world heritage of UNESCO.
In 2007 it was put on the list of hundred most endangered monuments in the world.
Reconstruction of the unique monuments means not only its preservation for future generations, but also the growth of tourist interest in the region and economic benefits for the city. In 2009 the monument itself was visited by 20 thousand people, in 2015 this figure was more than 50 thousand. So far, it was restored about 60 % of the area. The EPH group intends to continue with the support of the rescue of the monument.

The intention of the company is to continue making parts of
interesting region available and help to increase
the safety of visitors.
Reconstruction of extremely challenging hiking trail Tiesňany in the National Park Malá Fatra in Vrátna valley. The group invested 14 thousand EUR on the reconstruction so far. The project is completed by two-thirds. The money spent on reconstruction and technical adjustments of sidewalk increased tourist safety in difficult mountainous terrain and slows down the soil erosion of the field. The intention of the company is, with help of its financial resources, to continue making parts of interesting region available and help to increase the safety of visitors of challenging tourism terrain.
The EPH Group through its foundation fund supports the activities of civil associations in the social sector. In 2015 and 2016 we supported for example Náruč, o.z., which helps abused children and mothers in the Žilina region (13,000 EUR) or Plamienok, o.z., which is dedicated to child hospice care (30,000 EUR). The group has provided funds to associations dealing with homeless people in the Bratislava region.
The Company, through the foundation fund also responded to the humanitarian crisis and migration in 2015. It encouraged Vysoká škola zdravotníctva sv. Alžbety, who operated a clinic in northern Iraq in Dohuk for refugees from the area affected by the war. The foundation fund has contributed to the purchase of a mobile ambulance (15,000 EUR) and also contributed to language courses for Iraqi immigrants in Slovakia.